Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Lords of Discipline" by Pat Conroy

Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, right?  It totally felt that way with this book.  My husband and I listened to it during our long drive to Maine for the 4th of July.  I thought it was interesting, but I wasn't fond of it at all.  My husband, on the other hand, loved the book.  Should this response be expected?
image from

 I know that in Sweden they are trying to rid children of gender stereotypes.  I have always heard that a little boy will turn anything into a sword and a little girl will want to behave maternally with a doll.  We aren't to that stage yet with our little girl, so I wouldn't know for sure.  I feel like this book brought out the sword-fighting instincts in my husband and the maternal instincts in me.  My first thought was "No son of mine will ever attend the Citadel."  And my husband told me that he would encourage his son to go there, that it would turn him into a man.  Hopefully we'll have all little girls and this won't be an issue :)

The book is well-written.  It has the perfect amount of suspense and features some great plot twists.  BUT it is cruel and harsh and difficult to listen to.  I don't know what is based on fact and what is fiction, but it will make you worry about what your loved ones went through at the Citadel!  I'm glad that we listened to it if just for my own information, but it wouldn't work for a "pleasure read," that is for sure!

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